INfuse Solution

Cloud Scanning for Your Business Systems

  • Does not require a connected PC, which significantly improves the security of the data capture process
  • Automatically identifies missing or incorrect data via end-user notifications, preventing re-work downstream
  • No user training required: scan one simple setup sheet to get started
  • System on a chip technology delivers superior integration flexibility and power efficiency

Unique, Intelligent, Partner-Centric Solution

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Onboard content reliably
  • A cost-effective way for your customers to efficiently and securely onboard data into business processes
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Remote device management
  • A simpler way to install and manage scanners at customer sites
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End-user notifications
  • Real-time notifications ensure that data is complete and accurate, eliminating the need for downstream error correction
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Partner Protection and Flexible Options
  • Protect your solution from being commoditized by off-the-shelf components
  • License expansion modules to add new functionality when and where it’s needed; only pay for what you need
  • Get customer-specific options for user authentication and destination connectors
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Partner and Customer Benefits
  • Industry-leading data capture and image enhancement technology
  • No need to purchase or maintain PCs
  • A unique, secure and scalable cloud solution to differentiate your services


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Partner Software Application

Partner software or line of business applications, such as invoice processing or
medical records management systems, integrate with our APIs to create a seamless, end-to-end solution.

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INfuse Management Software

The INfuse Management software makes it easy to manage the fleet, set-up workflows,
configure devices, and allocate licenses—all hosted and operated by the partner.

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INfuse AX Scanner

The INfuse AX Scanner offers enterprise-level security, including a separate data path and
control path to isolate confidential content for secure transmission.